Monday, August 4, 2008

How long before retin-a starts to clear up acne and oil-free acne wash daily scrub by neutrogena

Most of the 80% of all teenagers that become victims of acne (Acne Vulgaris) obviously do not appreciate the ill effects of this irritating skin condition and one way of expressing their disgust is to term the acne pimples as zits. While referring the situation to friends and reltions, they get so much worked out that more often than not the slang gets more prominence than the usual. As a matter of fact, zits are the most common slang for pimples and it is not very unusual to hear, "the zits took away my beauty". It has become so common that the word zit now is an entry in the common English dictionary where it is described as slang for pimple.
The hormone Androgen and Progesterone trigger excessive production of sebum in both men and women and those who have high levels of these hormones have acne prone skin. Sebum en-route to its way to the skin surface picks up dirt and debris as it gets nearer to the surface. Then it goes and blocks the skin pores, clogging the hair follicles. Bacteria attack the skin when it is clogged by sebum or perspiration. This bacteria scientifically known as P. acnes live on your skin and turns into a malicious harmful agent of acne, thriving and growing in the clogged hair follicles.
Aloe vera itself contains tons of vitamins and minerals that are really helpful at treating and preventing acne. Aloe vera can also accelerate the healing process of acne scars. Aloe vera is also very good at reducing the redness and swelling caused by acne.
tags: homemade vinstant cure for pimples and acne, acne medication for pregnancy, help the acne marks on my face home remedies

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